
Below are upcoming research presentations using EdSHARe survey data from High School & Beyond and/or the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. EdSHARe principal investigators, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students and staff, and other researchers with access to the HS&B and/or NLS-72 data regularly present their findings at conferences and other academic gatherings. The listings below contain a brief overview of the topic and information on where and how to view the presentation.


Pre-PAA Workshop Session 5: Our Ongoing Analyses of HSB Data

Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin

The focus of our ongoing research at the EdSHARe project is how educational opportunities, achievements, and experiences shape health later in life. In this presentation, we overview the working research projects presented at PAA.

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Pre-PAA Workshop Session 4: History and Contents of EdSHARe Data

John Robert Warren, University of Minnesota

This session of our pre-PAA workshop dove into the context and history of our longitudinal studies, as well as the specific measures and variables examined over all follow ups.

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Pre-PAA Workshop Session 1: Introductions and Overview of EdSHARe

Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin; John Robert Warren, University of Minnesota

This presentation introduces our team and mission and examines the two studies that make up the EdSHARe project.

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EdSHARe: Repurposing Two Large, Representative, and Diverse Education Cohort Studies for Research on How Education Shapes Later-Life Health and Cognition

John Robert Warren, University of Minnesota

Every decade or so, the US Department of Education conducts a large cohort study of a large and diverse nationally representative sample of high school students; those students are followed for about a decade, and comprehensive information about their families, schools, educational experiences, peers, and other life contexts is collected…

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Unpacking the Relationship Between Education and Dementia in Diverse Populations

John Robert Warren, University of Minnesota

This presentation was part of an IAPHS pre-conference workshop that discussed data, measurement, and funding opportunities in education and aging research. Rob Warren presented on the EdSHARe project and the HSB and NLS-72 cohort studies.

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Understanding the Educational Gradient in Cognitive Function at Midlife

Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin

The main focus of this presentation and its related paper, led by PI Eric Grodsky, is to quantify the association between education and cognitive function at age ~60, and to estimate the potential contributions of educational opportunities and achievements by adolescents to those patterns.

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High School Education, Science Knowledge, and Adult Health Behaviors: Longitudinal Data and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Emily Lybbert, University of Texas; Isabella Stade, University of Minnesota; John Robert Warren, University of Minnesota; Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin; Chandra Muller, University of Texas

The General Social Survey (GSS) has been the main source of information about science knowledge in the United States. However, not much is known about how science knowledge is formed, developed, and changed across an individual’s life. We use the High School and Beyond (HS&B) survey, a longitudinal, nationally representative sample of…

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College Expectations of Teachers and Degree Attainment of Students

Koit Hung, University of Texas at Austin

This research seeks to answer two questions: 1) are students with all their teachers expecting them to attend college more likely to complete 4-year degrees? and 2) Is the association stronger for students with more teachers expecting them to attend college? We use the nationally representative High School and Beyond sample data to assess the…

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Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Health in the United States

H. Jeong, University of Minnesota; J.R. Warren, University of Minnesota; L. Lao, Pennsylvania State University; E. Grodsky, University of Wisconsin; J. Xu, Pennsylvania State University

Does intergenerational socieconomic mobility—that is, achieving an adult socioeconomic position that exceeds or falls short of one’s parents—impact health and well-being? Do mobility effects matter net of socioeconomic origins and destinations? Are any such effects homogenous across demographic subgroups? Using nationally representative U.S.

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Secondary School Quality and Midlife Cognition: Evidence from High School and Beyond

H. Chung, University of Minnesota; J.R. Warren, University of Minnesota; E. Grodsky, University of Wisconsin; C. Muller, University of Texas; J. Manly, Columbia University; A. Brickman, Columbia University

Research on the association between education and later-life cognitive outcomes usually
only considers the quantity of schooling that people complete. However, people with the same level of completed schooling are highly diverse with respect to the quality of schooling they experienced. Using a unique new data resource, we ask how…

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