
We greatly appreciate the generous support of our funders.

Funding Support

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Funding Support

Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Association

Study Title: High School and Beyond Venous Blood Pilot Study

Grant Number: SG-20717567

Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)

 Alfred P. Sloan

 Alfred P. Sloan

Study Title: High School and Beyond: Human Capital over the Life Cycle as a Foundation for Working Longer

Grant Number: 2012-10-27

Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller Co-Principal Investigators: Sandra E. Black (UT Austin), Eric Grodsky (UW), and John Robert Warren (UMN)

Grant Period: 2013-2019

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation

Study Title: STEM Education Effects on a Diverse Workforce’s Development over the Life Cycle

  • Grant number: HRD 1348527 Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller, (UT Austin)
  • Grant number: HRD 1348557 – Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)

Grant Period: 2014-2019

Study Title: STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status.

  • Grant Number: DRL 1420691: Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)
  • Grant number: DRL 1420330: Principal Investigator: Eric Grodsky (UW)
  • Grant number: DRL 1420572: Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)

Grant Period: 2014-2019

Institute of Education Sciences

Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

Study Title: High School and Beyond Fifth Follow-up Study

Grant Number: R305U140001

Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)

Grant Period: 2014

Study Title: High School and Beyond Midlife Follow-up: Replicate Weights, Data Processing and Documentation

Grant Number: R305U180002

Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)

Grant Period: 2018-2019

National Institutes of Health / National Institute on Aging (NIH/NIA)

National Institutes of Health / National Institute on Aging (NIH/NIA)

Study Title: Educational and Early Life Predictors of Mild Cognitive Impairment: New Evidence about Mediators and Moderators from High School & Beyond

Grant Number: R01AG058719-01A1

Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)

Co-Investigators: Chandra Muller (UT Austin), Eric Grodsky (UW); Jennifer Manly (Columbia University)

Grant Period: 2019-2024

Study Title: Education and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life: The Nation’s High School Class of 1972

Grant Number: 1R01AG078533-01

Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)

Co-Investigators: Adam Brinkman and Jennifer Manly (Columbia University), Eric Grodsky (UW), John Robert Warren (UMN)

Other collaborating institutions include:

  1. The University of California San Diego,
  2. The University of Houston,
  3. NORC at the University of Chicago,
  4. Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University, and
  5. Rush University in Chicago.

Grant Period: 2022-2027

Spencer Foundation

Spencer Foundation

Study Title: Feasibility Study for Development of Civic Engagement from Adolescence to Midlife

Grant Number: 201500075

Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)

Grant Period: 2014-2017

Study Title: Bringing High School & Beyond Data into the Census Research Data Center

Grant Number: 20160116

Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)

Grant Period: 2016