We greatly appreciate the generous support of our funders.
Funding Support
Alzheimer’s Association
Study Title: High School and Beyond Venous Blood Pilot Study
Grant Number: SG-20717567
Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)
Alfred P. Sloan
Study Title: High School and Beyond: Human Capital over the Life Cycle as a Foundation for Working Longer
Grant Number: 2012-10-27
Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller Co-Principal Investigators: Sandra E. Black (UT Austin), Eric Grodsky (UW), and John Robert Warren (UMN)
Grant Period: 2013-2019
National Science Foundation
Study Title: STEM Education Effects on a Diverse Workforce’s Development over the Life Cycle
- Grant number: HRD 1348527 Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller, (UT Austin)
- Grant number: HRD 1348557 – Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)
Grant Period: 2014-2019
Study Title: STEM Education and Workforce Participation over the Life Cycle: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Disability Status.
- Grant Number: DRL 1420691: Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)
- Grant number: DRL 1420330: Principal Investigator: Eric Grodsky (UW)
- Grant number: DRL 1420572: Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)
Grant Period: 2014-2019
Institute of Education Sciences
Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
Study Title: High School and Beyond Fifth Follow-up Study
Grant Number: R305U140001
Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)
Grant Period: 2014
Study Title: High School and Beyond Midlife Follow-up: Replicate Weights, Data Processing and Documentation
Grant Number: R305U180002
Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)
Grant Period: 2018-2019
National Institutes of Health / National Institute on Aging (NIH/NIA)
National Institutes of Health / National Institute on Aging (NIH/NIA)
Study Title: Educational and Early Life Predictors of Mild Cognitive Impairment: New Evidence about Mediators and Moderators from High School & Beyond
Grant Number: R01AG058719-01A1
Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)
Co-Investigators: Chandra Muller (UT Austin), Eric Grodsky (UW); Jennifer Manly (Columbia University)
Grant Period: 2019-2024
Study Title: Education and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life: The Nation’s High School Class of 1972
Grant Number: 1R01AG078533-01
Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)
Co-Investigators: Adam Brinkman and Jennifer Manly (Columbia University), Eric Grodsky (UW), John Robert Warren (UMN)
Other collaborating institutions include:
- The University of California San Diego,
- The University of Houston,
- NORC at the University of Chicago,
- Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University, and
- Rush University in Chicago.
Grant Period: 2022-2027
Spencer Foundation
Study Title: Feasibility Study for Development of Civic Engagement from Adolescence to Midlife
Grant Number: 201500075
Principal Investigator: Chandra Muller (UT Austin)
Grant Period: 2014-2017
Study Title: Bringing High School & Beyond Data into the Census Research Data Center
Grant Number: 20160116
Principal Investigator: John Robert Warren (UMN)
Grant Period: 2016