Late-Life Science Knowledge and Association With Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Probability of COVID-19 Vaccination

Scientists explaining Covid 19

We investigate the degree to which science knowledge—familiarity with basic scientific facts—is related to risk of COVID infection and vaccination. Using data from the High School & Beyond (HS&B) cohort study, we address this issue and consider the degree to which science knowledge accounts for social gradients in infection and vaccination. In preliminary analyses, we find that people who knew more about science were less likely to be infected and more likely to be vaccinated. The intriguing relationship between science knowledge and potential risk of infection has great implications for educational policy, public health approaches, and curriculum development. In time for PAA, we will assess the degree to which socioeconomic, political, and religious gradients in COVID infection and vaccination can be traced to early life educational opportunities and experiences that may shape science knowledge.

I. Stade; J. Warren, University of Minnesota; E. Lybbert, The University of Texas.

Friday, April 14, 2023
PAA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA