Periodontal Disease and Cognitive Health


Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) make up one of the leading causes of morbidity in older individuals. This is a concern for population health as the number of individuals impacted by ADRD is predicted to increases three-fold in the coming years. Although not often discussed in relation to ADRD, periodontal disease has been shown to be associated with cognitive decline. Periodontal disease is an infection and inflammation of the gums and bones around the teeth. This paper aims to examine how periodontal disease, a common proxy measure for the microbiome, predicts cognitive health in later-life. We expand on previous work by including comprehensive measures of education from High School and Beyond, a nationally representative longitudinal dataset. Our preliminary results indicate that there is a significant relationship between periodontal disease and cognitive health after controlling for demographic characteristics, education, and health (e.g. diabetes, smoking history, BMI).

J. Himmelstern, University of Minnesota; J. Warren, University of Minnesota; R. Demmer, University of Minnesota; C. Muller, The University of Texas; E. Grodsky, University of Wisconsin.

Thursday, April 13, 2023
PAA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA