Long-Term Impacts of Adolescent Exposure to Crime on Health: Self-reported Health and Mortality at Midlife


Exposure to crime is increasingly recognized as a risk factor for poor health outcomes and premature mortality, with adolescence serving as a period of heightened risk of exposure. As such, identifying the impact of adolescent exposure to crime on long-term health and mortality is critical. Utilizing a nationally representative cohort of high school seniors and sophomores in 1980 (N = 15,720), we examine the effect of residing in a higher crime area in adolescence on self-reported health, physical limitations, all-cause mortality, and deaths of despair at mid-life, as well as differences by demographic characteristics. Our preliminary findings suggest that adolescent crime exposure matters for health at mid-life, underscoring the importance of preventing exposure to crime.

B. Gresham, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; E. Lybbert; M. Lubell, The University of Texas; C. Muller, The University of Texas; E. Grodsky, University of Wisconsin; J. Warren, University of Minnesota.

Thursday, April 13, 2023
PAA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA