Angela Bush Richards

Senior Research Program Coordinator
University of Texas

Angela Richards serves as a Senior Research Program Coordinator for EdSHARe. Angela holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Educational Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin with an emphasis on the learning sciences, quantitative and qualitative methods, and program evaluation. At EdSHARe, she coordinates survey and administrative data collection, integrity standards, regulatory compliance, and supports multiple faculty PIs on grant-funded research from National Institutes of Health and the Alzheimer’s Association.


Angela previously served as an applied researcher and senior evaluation analyst for STEM education and professional learning federal, state, and private grants. She has worked across several colleges at UT, in public education, and her consulting business in order to address social challenges and improve educational, cognitive, social, and well-being outcomes. She is an advocate for equitable access to opportunities in education, professional pathways, and upward mobility. Angela has also taught learning, motivation, and preservice teaching courses at UT Austin.